NDT a.k.a non destructive testing is a technique which is used to establish faults and issues within equipment that is typically used within industrial settings. Typically NDT is closely associated with inspections on equipment. The oil and gas as well as energy industries are some of the biggest users of this service.
Why Is NDT Important?
There are a variety of different reasons as to why the process of non destructive testing is important overall. One of the main reasons that non destructive testing is undertaking is safety. Safety is absolutely paramount within any working environment and should always be everyone’s top priority. Unfortunately over the years in many different countries there have been a series of accidents that have prompted safety bodies and governments to roll out legislation to ensure safety measures are improved.
NDT is one of these key safety measures that is introduced routinely within many different sectors and industries. Due to it being such a specialised area it often requires specially trained staff/ workers in order for the work to be undertaken effectively. Therefore staff have to be specially sourced from other companies.
In addition to providing safety for those working with the equipment , NDT also ensures that equipment that is being used in workplace environments meets standards for quality and operates effectively. It is absolutely essential that pieces of equipment can operate effectively which is why non destructive testing is so important. Without this process in place it is likely that many firms would suffer from equipment failure and similar issues.
How Is Non Destructive Testing Undertaken?
Non destructive testing is undertaken in a variety of different ways. Here are some of the main ways in which non destructive testing is undertaken?
- Leak testing – There are many different forms of leak testing. One of the main forms of leak testing is bubble leak testing. This is when a container or tank of liquid is used ‘to detect leakages from the item being tested in the form of bubbles. This is can be a good indicator of the overall durability and robustness of a product or piece of equipment
- Ultrasonic testing- Another form of non destructive testing is ultrasonic testing. This form of testing is essential in order to ensure that equipment is movable or portable. This process works by projecting ultrasonic waves onto a metal surface. The results can then be used to analyse a piece of equipment. This process is highly effective and is in use with a large number of orgaisations
What Other Challenges Do Workplaces Face?
As well as incorporating NDT into the workplace , many firms/companies face a range of other issues prior to implementing non destructive testing on their equipment. One of the biggest issues related to this is identifying and choosing the best equipment for the task at hand. Often in complex engineering projects there can be a number of different firms offering their skills and expertise in order to provide a specific piece of equipment for an engineering or oil and gas firm